Saturday, August 25, 2018

Summer Poets Corner: "Aretha" by Maria

"Aretha" by Maria

She was the Queen of Soul

Her heart was good as gold

She had the voice of the gods

The angels sang her lauds

She played piano like none other

Arranged and wrote songs and some she’d cover

She walked and talked with Martin Luther King

Songs of freedom she did sing

With a mix of hot buttered soul she did bring

And demanded RESPECT the least  of all things

She sang oh Mary don’t you weep oh Martha don’t you moan

Every song she sang she clearly made her own

We will miss her much but she’s in heaven now

She has made her last and final humble bow

Her beloved audience will think of her and often shed a tear

We’ve lost someone whom we cherish and whom we love so dear

But Queens Reign forever at least that’s what I’m told

And now she’ll sing with the angels where the streets are paved with gold


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